Home » Solutions »  Corporate Xpeditions » Legendary Leadership

Legendary Leadership is an action packed leadership development initiative. In the program each participant is exposed to lead a chosen team in a customized experiential learning team project in wilderness setting where working environment is extremely challenging and conducive for learning and transforming people. Our highly experienced foreign qualified Management and Wilderness educators conduct detailed debrief sessions with the whole team to analyze the leadership behaviors and potential of each leader for their growth.

Legendary Leadership is a  3 day wilderness based program in Galiat Region of Pakistan. The natural forces prevailing in the wilderness are capitalized by the team of facilitators by converting them into opportunities for learning and transforming people.

Impact works with client to choose the best mix of challenges, level of debriefing and Leadership Development Components. The wilderness based outdoor projects provide life time experiences to the individuals and the team.

  • Program style: Xpedition
  • STI (sustainable transformation index): 7
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Program dynamics: Survival, trekking