Why is problem solving so important?
Why is problem solving so important? According to Henry Kaiser an American industrialist “Problems are only opportunities in work clothes”. On daily basis we encounter problems. These problems might be as small and simple as a mathematical sum from a child’s book or these might be as complicated as that of obstacles faced by a […]
Why is problem solving so important?
Why is problem solving so important? According to Henry Kaiser an American industrialist “Problems are only opportunities in work clothes”. On daily basis we encounter problems. These problems might be as small and simple as a mathematical sum from a child’s book or these might be as complicated as that of obstacles faced by a […]
How can a Team Player Succeed in Life?
How can a Team Player Succeed in Life? From a young age, we learn to pursue arbitrary, borderline superficial goals with blind focus, rarely stopping to think about the true significance of the pursuit itself. 1 We are so bound in our own individual circumference, which are so definite and rigid that we lose focus […]