Why is Experiential Learning So Important?
The world is in a continuous state of Learning and Development owing to the constant flux of media methods, modes of communication and technology. This flux though requires consequent skills which are hard to incorporate within individuals by method of theory alone. Experiential Learning however, has made the process of assimilation of skill with the theoretical, a far easier and much more effective process.
Dealing With Unpredictability
By making Experiential Learning a requirement, individuals are forced into career opportunities for which they are not prepared 1 . This is one of the key functions of experiential learning, to help people cope up with unpredictable situations. This skill can only be attained by means of activity-based learning which is the essence of Experiential Learning. To put your knowledge to practice in the most unpredictable of circumstances. This learning experience not only perfects your knowledge but helps you adjust better and adapt easily to real life problems and unpredictability.
Assuming Responsibility
Another major idea that experiential learning promotes is that of a refined sense of responsibility at the part of the individual. Where mere knowledge fails to provide the students with an atmosphere that depicts the importance of assuming responsibility, experiential learning through various Experiential Learning activities strengthens this particular idea within individuals. This development helps people better adjust with the society as citizens who are well aware of their respective responsibilities.
Being Creative
When you limit minds to the premises of a certain classroom, you surely limit the scope of their creativity as well. This is the reason why teachers and trainers around the world prefer Experiential Learning, because it not only propagates learning within a wider sphere, but through this learning process enhances an individual’s creative abilities as well. The creativity boast in multiple dimensions and is not limited to the rigid, singular dimension provided in classrooms. This creativity in turn polishes the skill set that an individual possesses.
Developing and Nurturing Relationships
Some of the popular forms of Experiential Learning which include internships, student-exchange programs, field experience etc are clearly all avenues that bring individuals in contact with each other on more practical terms than that of a classroom where the exchanges are not as productive, because they are strictly limited in their scope. Experiential Learning by means of providing individuals with experiential activities for team building helps in developing and nurturing relationships among people. These skills unconsciously become a part of the individual once the entire learning experience through Experiential Learning reaches it’s end goal.
To conclude, Experiential Learning is important because it polishes your knowledge and helps you understand how to use that knowledge effectively in your practical life i.e helps you identify your skills. The knowledge only brings awareness, Experiential Learning further enhances and sharpens your instincts through an effective process of activity-based learning. It incorporates within you the ability to deal with unpredictability, broadens the dimensions to your creativity, makes you take charge of your responsibilities and helps develop and nurture your relationships with your fellow beings.
The process makes you a better version of yourself.